Business Rates Calculator

Business Rates are a tax commercial property tenants pay to their local council, similar to council tax on domestic properties. See Business Rates Explained for a more in depth explanation.

Business rates vary from property to property and from business to business. So it is important to check your business rates liability when considering which premises to rent. Sometimes they can be a headache to work out, so we’ve built a business rates calculator to do the hard work for you. Simply follow the steps below to estimate your business rates.


How do I check exactly what I will be charged?

Contact your local council’s business rates department who will confirm.


When do I pay my business rates?

You are typically entitled to pay business rates across 10 or 12 monthly instalments, normally due on the 1st of the month.


What happens if I think I am being charged the wrong amount?

If you think your Rateable Value is incorrect then you need to contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA).

If you think relief is not being applied then you need to contact your local council.

You can find advisers to challenge business rates on your behalf, some work of a no saving, no fee basis.


Am I entitled to any business rate relief / discounts?

Our calculator automatically factors in the 2 main discounts, being Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR) and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Relief (RHLR). If you are a charity you will be liable to Charitable Rate Relief. There are more than 10 different types of relief.


What happens if my premises are affected by severe local disruption?

You are likely to qualify for a temporary reduction in rates for things like road works, building works or flooding. You should notify the VOA via your business rates valuation account.