Change of use is the ability to change the way in which land or buildings are used, either by a simple
alteration in the nature of the use, or through alterations and additions which modify the use. A
change of use may also arise through a material intensification in the present use, or by subtly
altering the present use to a point where the changes amount to development. There are certain
types of change of use which do not require planning permission. For example, a change of use from
one type of shop to another. Certain changes are permissible between and within the use classes
without the need for planning permission, subject to satisfying the appropriate criteria. Other uses
are considered Sui Generis; that is, they are uses on their own unrelated to other uses. A change of
use from, say, a field to a caravan park would require planning permission, so too a domestic garage
to a business workshop, or house to an hotel etc. You should first consider the permitted
development rights then the Use Classes Order to determine whether an intended change of use
requires planning permission or not.